Coach Training
- Graduate CTI Intermediate Coaching Programme 2003
- Graduate CTI Co-Active Leadership Programme 2008
- NLP Practioner 2008
- Graduate Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching 2010
- Enneagram Practitioner Training – Parts I & II 2007 & 2010
- Professional Certified Coach Accreditation from ICF 2013
- Graduate – Systemic Organisational Constellations 2014
- Voice Dialogue Facilitator 2018
- Professional Practioner in Organisational Constellations 2019
- Family Constellations for Professional Success 2020
- Ongoing Systemic and Enneagram CPD in 2021, 2022 and 2023
- Professional Certified Coach Accreditation renewed to 2026
Coaching is available in person or on Zoom
I’d love to know how I can support you to move through whatever you are facing at the moment. I work by helping you gain more awareness of what is really going on for you under the surface to open up that elusive shift that will take you towards where you want to go.
My coaching approach features both the Enneagram and Systemic Constellations as this is what has helped me most on my development journey. We all want change that lasts whether in our private or professional lives.
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The Enneagram
The Enneagram helps increase our self-awareness leading to deep personal growth. It’s a personality typology system which aids self-understanding and self-acceptance, freeing us up to make changes that lead to long-term psychological growth and wellbeing.
Systemic Constellations
Systemic Constellations are a versatile coaching tool, effective in both our personal and professional lives.
Family Constellations work to release deeply embedded behaviour patterns, both personal and professional, that may have been resistant to change for many years. Change can happen quickly without the need to either revisit traumatic memories or even disclose much detail.
Organisational Constellations can illuminate patterns within the work place, being particularly helpful for those taking up new roles, starting new businesses and during mergers and acquisitions.